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Author Archives: Edward


This is when the deceased person owns assets requiring probate in more than one jurisdiction, it is necessary for the executor to obtain a grant of probate in one area where the deceased owned assets, and then have the same grant resealed in each other jurisdiction where the deceased owned assets. The Probate and Administration
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Default Judgement

The judgment that is entered where any party required to file a written statement of defense fails to do so within the specified period or where such period has been extended by the Court’s order. The filing of Form No. 1 comes as a requirement of the law where a Plaintiff is seeking a Default
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It is axiomatic that the paramount criterion in determining the custody of the child is the welfare and wellbeing of the child or in other words ‘best interests of the child’ and the undesirability of disturbing the life of the child by change of custody. This is now a law in Tanzania and courts have
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A Will is a statement, which is voluntarily made by a person during his lifetime to explain his intention on how his property shall be distributed upon his death. A Will can be of two types: An oral Will and a written Will. An oral will is a type of a will where the wishes
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