On the 7th of June 2024, KKB Attorneys had the privilege of training and participating in an educative training session organized by the French-Tanzania Chamber of Commerce and KKB Attorneys. The event focused on Terms of Employment and Residence Permits, offering attendees a wealth of valuable knowledge

Our Training Focus on Terms of Employment

KKB Attorney, Joycelinda presenting

We had a comprehensive presentation on the terms of employment led by Joycelinda Mndeme, an associate under the Labour Department at KKB. The presentation in this first session covered most aspects of the terms of an employment contract provided under Section 15(1) of the Employment and Labour Relations Act, RE 2019.

“The session provided clarity on many complex issues, thanks to the excellent presentation by KKB Attorneys.” – Attendee Feedback

The Reveurse team with Amadeus Chuwa, HR and Operations Manager at Reveurse stood out with an exceptional presentation on residence permits. Their detailed approach and practical advice helped attendees navigate the often challenging process of securing residence permits.

Join Our Next Training Session

Speakers and attendees in front of two banners collectively taking a picture
Group photo of attendees

We at KKB Attorneys look forward to organizing more training sessions in the near future. Stay tuned for announcements of our upcoming sessions.